LOTUS FOIL - Brand New Self-Cleaning foil for Touch Screen >

Lotus foil versus COVID-19

24. 3. 2022

We are very pleased that both tests by independent accredited laboratories have proven the effectiveness of Lotus self-cleaning film. 💪🙂

The long-awaited testing of the effectiveness of our Lotus self-cleaning film against viruses is finally over. We did it! The results showed that Lotus self-cleaning film has more than 90% effectiveness against viruses – specifically SARS-CoV-2✅. The effectiveness of the self-cleaning film was performed by an independent laboratory for testing the virucidal effect, the Health Institute based in Ostrava. It is one of the few laboratories that can work with viruses in the Czech Republic. The measurement of antiviral efficiency was performed according to ČSN ISO 21702: 2021.

At the same time, during the autumn of 2021, we had the effectiveness of the Lotus self-cleaning film tested against model bacteria. The results showed that Lotus self-cleaning film has an efficiency of more than 99.9% against the bacteria✅. This testing took place in the accredited laboratory of TZÚ, s.p. and Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli were used. Measurement of antibacterial efficacy was performed according to ČSN ISO 22196: 2011.

Lotus is a self-cleaning transparent foil with an adhesive layer primarily developed for use with touch screens. After attaching, Lotus foil continuously protects the clean surface. The foil itself does not affect the functionality of touch screens and is compatible with the following technologies – PCAP, IR and resistive.

If you would like more information about Lotus self-cleaning foil or more information about the possibility of cooperation, do not hesitate to contact us.